My media product I have created uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of real media product. The conventions which I have used on my front cover include a bar code, date, issue number, price and masthead.
I put the date, issue number, and price around the bar code, I chose to arrange them this way because I found out after researching many different types of music magazines, this is a form of convention which real media products use. I have also used plugs and puffs on the front cover as they are too conventions.
I challenged some of the conventions of a contents page by having a features and regulars list, they also usually have a date and issue number which I have also added. To develop the conventions I used a number of small images and placed them so they almost slot in together.
The conventions which I have used in my double page spread are drop caps, a big and bold heading and a photograph which spreads across both pages.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
M y media product represents the particular social group, young adults well. this is because I have used bright font colours and a lively font type for the masthead, which both represents young adults as vibrant, fun and exciting.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The media institution which may distribute my media product could be Future publishing. I think that this kind of media institution would distribute my media product because they do not currently produce a indie/rock music magazine, or one similar. Distributing my media product could also put pressure on other media institutions who may already produce or distribute a similar product.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for my media product would be aimed at young adults aged 16-21, both male and female. All though anyone who is interested in indie/rock type music would also be attracted towards my media product as I have used many conventions of the music genre.
How did you attract/address your audience?
The main part of my media product which will attract/address my audience is the photograph on the front cover. This is because the photograph is full size of the magazine so it is very noticeable. the photograph is also very vibrant which will interest my target audience especially as they are often full of energy too.
What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Whilst constructing my product I used two software's which were the most convenient for the editing and designing of my media product. The two software's I used are Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft publisher.
I designed most of my double page spread in Microsoft publisher. From doing this I have learned how to use different features of the software to create what I wanted to. I have learned the following: how to open a double page spread; creating drop caps, change their colour and fonts to keep a similar style; the
I designed both the full front cover and contents page on Adobe Photoshop. From doing this I learned how to use some of the features available, these are: filters, such as adding noise (dust and scratches) to the gold circle on the front cover; the crone tool, which I used to remove distracting objects in the background photograph; drop shadows, which I used on the contents page.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I feel I have learnt a lot in the progression from the preliminary task to the main task. One of the main conventions of music magazines which I have learned is to have a colour scheme on each page which consists of using a maximum of three colours. Having a colour scheme creates style and makes the page flow smoothly, especially when the colours work well together. I learned this through doing the preliminary task where I didn't use a colour scheme and ended up using up to six different colours which clashed with each other because they where all strong, bold colours.
During my research I found out that the producer can almost control what the audience first look at or reads on the front cover. This can be done by either having different sizes, colours or types of fonts. Having larger fonts with bright colours and an attractive font type will make the audience automatically look and read that section first.