Thursday, 2 April 2009

Analysis of double page spread

I have chosen to use the photograph of the singer, rhythm guitarist and drummer as my main photograph because it shows their passion for music and the effort they put into making their band work to the maximum. I cut out the photograph on Photoshop using the polygonal lasso tool; I did this because this type of editing is a convention, as it is often used in many music magazines which look very effective as it adds more energy to the page.

I decided to use the same font for the bands name as I used for it on the front cover. I have done this to make it recognisable, as many bands/artists usually do, this shows their significance. At first I was going to keep the bands name colour black, but then I decided to change the ‘T’ and ‘S’ to red, this makes it stand ou

t more and adds colour to make the page look more attractable and appealing to the target audience.

The main story which I created explains what The Strands have recently done, what they are hoping to achieve and there is a bit of background information so the audience knows how they came together and started playing. At first I set the

font to large for the page so I made it smaller so I could fit on what I wanted such as the tour dates and a list of the band members. I have chosen to follow the co

nventions which most magazines and other media texts follow, to try to make my magazine look as effective as they do. I have done this by using a drop cap, which I have done in red to keep with the colour scheme. I have chosen red as one of the ma

in colours because it works well against the white background and/or next to the black text.

To advertise the band further I added on their tour dates so more people may chose to go to wa

tch them play live. I also added a list of band members and what part they play in the band, so people know who they are.

On the bottom of each page I have added the page numbers; these are both in different colour

s. The colours which I chose where so the reader can see them easily e.g. black against white and white against black.

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