Friday, 5 December 2008

Foundation Portfolio Evaluation

Foundation Portfolio evaluation

· In what ways does your Media product use,
develop or challenge forms and conventions of
real media products?

The different forms and conventions used in my magazine front page and contents page are similar to those used in real media products. On the front cover I used the following conventions which appear on many magazine front covers; title of the magazine, date and issue of magazine, bar code, main photograph (of a student) and text to support the stories which will appear inside.

On the contents page I used: title, stories and what page they will appear on, photographs supporting inside stories and.....

· How does your Media product represent
particular social groups?

My Media product represents anyone who is interested in photography and would enjoy learning more about the subject and the technologies.

· What kind of Media institution might distribute
your media product and why?

The type of media institution which might distribute my media product would be some one who has distributed college magazines before, such as the media institution of the secondary teachers and primary teachers. My magazine is similar to these two products as it is free for every one who is interested.

· Who would be the audience for your Media

The main audience for my media product is for people who are thinking on choosing one of the courses, and people who have just started the course that would like to more information about how certain things work, such as photoshop.

People who are also already on the course are likely to get a copy because there is information which could be useful to them, such as what you could the with your A level result after college.

· How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted/addressed my audience by chosing bright, bold colours for the text and having a photographic background.

· What have you learnt about technologies from
the process of constructing this product?

From the process of constructing this product I learnt how to use a professional camera and how different lighting, angles and the setting can affect the appearance of the final image. I also learnt a lot of skills on photoshop, these where things like how to use the crone tool. I now feel confident in using this piece of software again.

· Looking back at the preliminary task, what do
you feel you have learnt in the progression
from it to the full product?

Looking back at the peliminary task I feel that I have learnt a lot from the progression from it to the full product.

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